At the University of Oxford, I have taught several papers, mentored numerous students, and given public lectures.
Papers Taught: Greek Art and Archaeology from 500 to 300 BC; Cities and Settlements in the Roman Empire; Art Under the Roman Empire; Texts and Contexts; Roman Architecture.
Tutorials Taught: Archaeology of the Late Roman Empire; Roman Core: 50 BC - 50 AD; Art Under the Roman Empire.
Public Lectures: Introduction to Photogrammetry (2021); 3D Modelling Workshop (for the “Nigerian National Railway Project” in the Department of Anthropology (2022).
Student Feedback:
At Indiana University, I was allowed to both teach courses and design curriculum.
Course Title: Roman Art & Architecture (Guest Lecturer)
Course Title: Augmented Reality in a Museum Setting (Lead Instructor / Course Designer)
At Indiana University, I co-taught several courses.
Course Title: Computational Methods in Classical Archaeology
The students in this class were asked to consider the history or the field of virtual heritage, and how to use computational methods to a research question in Classical Art and Archaeology. During the class, they participated in the design of an augmented reality exhibit, and considered how to display an archaeological context to the public in a Microsoft HoloLens. At the end of the term, they submitted term papers in which they synthesized their learning experience from the semester and proposed their own augmented reality exhibit.
At Indiana University, I assisted in teaching several courses.
Digital Exhibition Design
In the Spring of 2018, I led a tutorial course in which students researched an object in the museum’s collection, wrote a paper about the object, and designed an exhibit in augmented reality to communicate their narrative.
Intro to Virtual Heritage
In the Fall of 2017, I co-taught a course with Professor Bernard Frischer in which we taught students how to research an object and create a digital restoration that communicates their idea about an artifact.
Course Title: Introduction to Unity 3D
This course led students through the process of designing a short game in Unity 3D.
Introduction to Social Informatics
This course taught students how to critically consider and discuss current issues in information technology such as AI and cell phone use.